Rotary Partners with the American Red Cross for spring Blood Drive

The Rotary Club of Morganton partnered once again with the American Red Cross to hold a spring Blood Drive at the Morganton Community House on Saturday, April 13. The Blood Drive has become a recent annual project for the Club and the Red Cross and for the 2024 Blood Drive, we were able to reach a total of 17 units of blood. With each donation having the potential to save 3 lives, in just a few hours on Saturday, we achieved enough to save 51 lives.

Did you know??? One blood donation can save up to 3 lives
More than 38,000 blood donations are needed EVERY DAY
While 38% of the American population is eligible to give blood, only 2% donates
More than 1 million people annually are diagnosed with cancer - many of them need blood daily during chemotherapy.

A big thank you to the Morganton Community House, our partners at the American Red Cross, and, most importantly to those individuals who took a few moments out of their weekend to donate the gift of life.


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